属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-产油国寻求达成减产协议提振油价
1 | 大多数农作物都获丰收,致使食品零售价在令人胆寒的去冬今春涨价之后得以平复。 | Most crops have been bountiful enough this year to cause even retail food prices to level off after a frightening winter-spring rise | |
2 | 反向凝固平整轧制过程的高温力学模拟 | High Temperature Mechanical Simulation for Level-Off Rolling of Inversion Casting | |
3 | 你大概不会再得到提升,我们的事业必定会有不再有发展的时候。 | you’re unlikely to get further promotion-we all have to level off some time | |
4 | 政府采取了一些有效措施后,物价开始稳定了. | after the government had taken some effective measures, prices began to level off . | |
5 | 她说,“石油的全球供应远远超过了全球消费,结果我们看到了大量库存产生和价格下跌。一旦供应和消费回到一致,库存趋于平稳,就会开始下降。这将成为增产的市场信号。” | "Global supply has far exceeded global consumption, so we have seen massive inventory builds and we have seen lower prices as a result. Once the supply and consumption come back into alignment, and the inventories level off , and can start to be drawn down, that will be a market signal to increase production." | |
6 | Scaramella先生说,这应意味着每个服务器的平均能耗在未来的几年将会持平。 | This ought to mean that average power consumption per server will level off in coming years, says Mr Scaramella. | |
7 | 大约2030年时,总的货币供应量将会稳定在两千一百万单位货币。 | The total supply will level off at 21m coins or so around 2030. | |
8 | 而且如果你喜欢工作中的名誉,那么也要对它停止变化做好准备。 | And if you thrive on the prestige that comes with your job, be prepared for that to level off as well. | |
9 | 即使邻近地区那声名狼藉的高税收在1994年开始趋于平稳,给了商人一些必须的喘息空间后。 | Even the neighborhood’s notoriously high taxes started to level off in 1994 and gave merchants some much needed breathing space. | |
10 | 计划指出,法国的人口从2005年到2050年将会增加九百万,届时将会稳定在七千万。 | France’s population, it said, would grow by 9m from 2005 to 2050, when it would level off at 70m. | |
11 | 结论前葡萄膜炎并发白内障炎症稳定后即行手术治疗是安全的。 | Conclusion It’s safe to operate after anterior uveitis complicated cataract level off . | |
12 | 如果您看到get_misses继续快速增加,而get_hits逐渐趋于平稳,则需要确定一下所缓存的内容是什么。 | If you see the get_misses continue to rise quickly and the get_hits level off , then you need to take a look at what you are caching. | |
13 | 新目标是2010年末达到120,000,2011年末达到200,000,届时,预计用户数量将变为平稳增长。 | The new target is 120, 000 users by the end of 2010 and 200, 000 in 2011, at which point growth is expected to level off . | |
14 | 研究人员称,到本世纪中期,全球人口将会稳定在90亿左右。 | Researchers say the world’s population will level off at about 9billion in the middle of the century. | |
15 | 因此,如果我刚刚处理了上一个Set的最后一个Var段,我会将第三层弹出堆栈。 | So if I had just previously processed the previous Set’s last Var paragraph, I’d pop the third level off the stack. | |
16 | 在项目的结尾,对开发资源的需求是否惊人地增长,还是保持平稳? | Did the need for development resources rise dramatically at the end of the project, or did it level off ? | |
17 | 只要能源和食品价格持平,核心通胀应该会在明年慢慢结束。Stern表示。 | As long as energy and food costs level off , core inflation ought to slow over the next year, Stern said. |